The previous concept I had wound up being far too difficult for me to even sketch, let alone try to actually model (and you can see the remains of it in the top left corner there). When I was looking into more traditional confederate monuments and statues, I noticed that most of them wound up being famous soldiers on horseback. This makes sense, seeing as how they were in fact on horseback during those battles and those poses were generally seen as a sign of strength. However, I couldn't help but put together what I consider the obvious next step to that: the horse riding the soldier. Of course, I can't draw horses either, so this should be an interesting project, to say the least. Hoo boy.
I don't actually think simply trying to demolish the statues entirely will do much in the long run. It's still important to remember our countries terrible history without raising these people up as heroes with their own statues (Robert E Lee in particular is stated saying he didn't even want a statue. How ironic). I feel as though it'd be more helpful to take the power away from these figures with comedy and parody rather than try to pretend our country never had these issues at all. Also, I'm just tired of seeing statues of men on horseback. Maybe that's just me.
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